Should smoking be banned in public places?

Mas Han     07.56     0

The issue of whether smoking in public places should be banned has been raging for the past year in Indonesia since the government proposed the plan of smoking regulation. There are the pros and cons argument about the regulation. Each of them has their own reason.As a non-smoker I couldn’t agree more with this regulation. I agree with the opinion that the smoke should be far removed from communal area as possible. Yes, I don’t smoke as well as allergic to smoke. Smoking should be banned period everywhere. It is a disgusting habit. It makes you stink, have yellow teeth plus cigarettes cost too much. Not only do you stink, have yellow teeth, and your health is affected but you also offend others that do not smoke. Some of us have asthma and have a hard time breathing this wonderful valley air. Then you add cigarette smoke on top of it. I will probably die first from second hand smoke.
In my view, smokers usually don’t care about the other. They will be very insensitive. Smokers don’t want to put their cigarette out when someone asking for them. They said that they have a freedom to smoke; however, they didn’t realize that every people have a rights to breath in no pollution air too. You can imagine some kind of public transportation which is already full by the passengers, is going to be seemed like more fully because of cigarette smoke. People have different condition of their lung. Asthmatic people as well as a baby are easier to be poisoned by the nicotine, besides they are going to suffer. The other reason is smoke makes the environment dirty. Smokers usually don’t throw cigarette butts into the right place. As a result, we can find so many cigarette cases also many rests of cigarettes on the road, on the yard and other communal areas. Some people said that ban of smoking in public places threatened the employees of the cigarette industries. In my opinion, the worker should not worry about that as the regulation won’t reduce the number of selling products of cigarette industries. It might be decrease just a low percentage. As a result, they won’t lose their works.
On the other hand, smokers say that ban of smoking in public places break the human freedom. They have an opinion, the protesters who are trying to enforce a ban smoking in public forgetting the concept of freedom of choice. For example, people have their own way to relax, such as go to the pub or cafĂ©. Furthermore, relaxation is achieved by having a few drinks, having a chat with the other and for some people this includes the activity of smoking. From a business point of view enforcing a ban on smoking in public areas such as pubs, restaurants or bars would decrease many customers. Smokers feel that the ban is very cruel. They should go out onto the yard to smoke a cigarette during a meal out with friends or family. It isn’t a nice experience.
Smokers say its their freedom to smoke while its non smokers freedom not too as well but there are non smokers who are dying because of the smokers a thing call secondhand smoke that is even worst than just smoking. A non smoker is not taking away from your freedom but trying to have their as well as your because they chose not to smoke so they don't die of smoke related diseases but with you smoking in the same area they are in public area where everyone pays you are taking away years of their lives. Smokers say that non smokers are being selfish but in fact it’s the smoker who doesn't care if others don't smoke and smoke in front of the non smoker and laughter when the non smoke leaves. Everyone has the right to do what they want but if everyone did then there would be more crimes so there are laws passed to keep people from making a dangerous decision that will hurt another person. This goes for smoking because it does hurt others as much or more than the actually smoker. So every time a smoker smoke around someone else just remember you are killing that person standing next to you as well as yourself just let you know. I have a lot of friends that are smokers and they will not smoke around me to show that they respect me and my chose on not smoking.
Well, smokers are addicted to nicotine and they need it regularly. We can’t change them wanting to smoke and although they should be considerate about smoking around others we should also forces ourselves to tolerate to a certain level of their habit. It’s time for people to realize and to know the dangers of smoke and also passive smoking. Consequently, smoke in public areas should be banned….!!!!


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